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学名:Charippus denjii
Carapace length 1.96 (variation: 1.96–2.05, n=4); abdomen length 2.06. Measurements of eyes: AME 0.35, ALE 0.29, PME 0.06, PLE 0.24. Measurements of legs: I 3.13 (0.96, 0.51, 0.78, 0.50, 0.38), II 2.83 (0.90, 0.43, 0.64, 0.48, 0.38), III 2.96 (0.89, 0.36, 0.64, 0.61, 0.46), IV 3.36 (1.00, 0.40, 0.79, 0.72, 0.45). Chelicerae dark brown, distally with small triangular projection, promargin with two teeth, retromargin with one bicuspid tooth. Palp (Figs 84–89): yellowish brown; bulb bulging; embolus coiled for more than a circle, with a row of sawtooth–like denticles; embolic disc large and sclerotized, centrally concave, with many small grooves; LED wide and outer–extended, serrulate–edged; tegulum slightly sclerotized, without prominent tegular lobe; salticid radix slightly sclerotized; retrolateral sperm duct loop indistinct in ventral view; retrolateral tibial apophysis thick and wide, slightly curved, distally bifurcated. Sternum without setal tuft. Color in alcohol (Figs 77, 79): carapace dark brown, CPSB present, frontally white; dorsal abdomen pale with dark brown markings; abdomen with obviously sclerotized areas dorsally and ventrally. Legs I–II slightly darker than legs III–IV.